Alarmierung im Seenotfall

Alarmierung in Deutschland und weltweit

Seenotleitung MRCC Bremen der DGZRS im Notfall (24 h):

UKW-Kanal 16 "Bremen Rescue" und kanal 70 (DSC)

Kanal 70: DSC Nr. 00211 1240

Grenzwelle 2182 Khz (via Lyngby Radio)

Tel.: +49 (0) 421· 536 87-0

Fax: +49 (0) 421· 536 87 14

Mobil: 124 124 (Nur aus Deutschland!)

Telex: 2 46 466 mrcc d



Bei Notruf via Handy (124 124) kann die Position nicht gepeilt werden. Außerdem bekommen nahe Schiffe den Alarm nicht mit.

Seenotfall in Holland - Alarmierung

Nederlandse Kustwacht / Netherlands Coastguard in Den Helder

National Netherlands Maritime (MRCC) and Aero Nautical (ARCC) Rescue Co-ordination Centre (Joint-Rescue Co-ordination centre= JRCC)

Alarmnummer 0900 0111

Operational +31(0)223 542300

Telefax +31 (0)223 658358
Telex 71088

Inmarsat-C: 424426512
Inmarsat-C: 424477710 (back-up)
MMSI Nr.: 002442000

Radio: UKW / VHF Kanal 16
DSC: UKW / VHF Kanal / channel 70 und Grenzwelle 2187,5 Khz

Rufzeichen/ Callsign im Seenotfall / at SAR: "Den Helder Rescue"

In allen anderen Fällen / all other matters: "Netherlands Coastguard" / "Nederlandse Kustwacht".

Auf dem Ijsselmeer ist Den Helder Rescue / Netherlands Coastguard über die Kanäle 16, 23, 70 und 83 erreichbar.

Auszug aus dem Newsletter Nr. 37e, 2004, der Netherlands Coastguard / Hörwache auf Kanal 16:

"Continuation of radio watch on VHF channel 16 shall only be in force for the responsibility area’s of The Netherlands Coastguard, namely Dutch coastal waters, Waddenzee, IJsselmeer, Zuid Holland and Zeeland Estuaries. For all other inshore waters and canals the ruling regulations in respect of alerting will not change after 2005.

Klartext: Hörwache auf Kanal 16 bleibt, und zwar auch auf dem Ijsselmeer.


Wasserschutzpolizei / Rijkspolitie te water

Die Boote der niederländischen Wasserschutzpolizei (Divisie Mobiliteit des Korps landelijke politiediensten, Rijkspolitie te Water) sind auf den niederländischen Binnengewässern über UKW-Kanal 10 zu erreichen.

Die Leitzentrale der Wasserschutzpolizei befindet sich in Driebergen. Über die Leitzentrale (Telefon in den Niederlanden: 0 34 38 / 1 43 21) kann jedes im Einsatz
befindliche Streifenboot erreicht werden.

Wie man einen Fehlalarm aufhebt

Fehlalarme müssen wie folgt zurückgenommen werden:

An alle Funkstellen / All stations (drei Mal gesprochen)

Hier ist / This is

- MMSI-Nummer plus Schiffsname/Rufzeichen (1 x gesprochen)
- Position / in position
- Ich ziehe meinen Seenotalarm vom ... (Datum/Uhrzeit in UTC) zurück / I cancel my distress alert of date (Datum/Uhrzeit in UTC)
- Kapitän
- Datum/Uhrzeit in UTC

Das IMO-Standardvokabular

Damit im Ernstfall alle die gleiche Sprache sprechen -
Auszug aus dem IMO-Standardvokabular an Bord von Schiffen

Evacuation and Boat Drill
Allocating / directing to assembly stations, describing how to escape
.1 When the general emergency alarm is sounded which consists of seven short blasts and
one prolonged blast, all passengers have to go to their assembly station. Take your
lifejackets and blankets with you. Lifejackets are stored in your cabins under your beds
and at your assembly stations. You are encouraged to try on your lifejacket.
.2 All passengers must put on
- warm clothing
- long trousers, long-sleeved shirts / jackets
- strong shoes and head covering.
.3 All passengers with their lifejackets and blankets are requested to go to their assembly
stations/ the lounge / the ... immediately.
.4 From your assembly stations you will be escorted to your lifeboats / liferafts.
.5 All passengers are requested to carefully study the safety instructions behind their
cabin doors.
.6 All passengers are requested to follow the escape routes shown.
.7 Do not use lifts / elevators.
.8 All passengers are requested to strictly obey the instructions given by the officers or crew.
.9 When you hear the abandon ship alarm which consists of one prolonged and one short
blast repeated continuously, please act in the same manner as under the general
emergency alarm.
.10 During the voyage you may hear some other sound signals. These are exclusively for the
information of the crew.
Please, act only if you hear the general emergency alarm or the abandon ship alarm.
.11 If you have any questions regarding safety, do not hesitate to ask any of the officers or

B4/2.2 Briefing on how to dress and what to take to assembly stations
.1 Take your lifejacket and a blanket.
You will find your lifejacket under your bed.
.2 Put on warm clothing, long-sleeved shirts, strong shoes and head covering whatever the
weather. No high-heeled shoes.
.3 Do not forget personal documents, your spectacles and medicine if necessary.
.4 Do not return to your cabin to collect your property.

B4/2.3 Performing roll call
.1 At your assembly station one of the officers / crew will perform a roll call.
.2 The officer / crew will say "This is a roll call", and s/he will call out the passengers
individually by their names.
.3 When your name is called out, please answer loudly "Here".
.4 If one of your cabinmates is not able to attend the roll call, please inform the officer/crew

B4/2.4 Briefing on how to put on lifejackets
.1 (dependent on type of lifejacket used)
- pull the lifejacket over your head
- tighten the strings well
- pull the strings around your waist and tie in front.
.2 Follow closely the demonstration given by the officer / crew.
The crew members will help you if necessary.
.3 Carefully study the demonstration in the pictures in your cabins.
.4 Carefully study the demonstration in the diagram at the assembly station.

B4/2.5 Instructions on how to embark and behave in lifeboats / liferafts
.1 Enter the lifeboat / liferaft only when ordered by an officer / lifeboatman.
.2 Clear the entrance of the lifeboat / liferaft immediately after entering.
.3 Do not push each other when entering the lifeboat / liferaft.
.4 Hold on to ropes or to your seat when lowering / hoisting.
.5 Sit down in the lifeboat / liferaft immediately.
.6 Keep your lifejackets on.
.7 Provisions and drinking water will be distributed by an officer / lifeboatman only.
.8 Strictly obey all instructions given by the officer / lifeboatman.
.9 Discipline in the lifeboat / liferaft is of vital importance.

B4/2.6 On-scene measures and actions in lifeboats / liferafts
.1 Keep a sharp lookout for persons in the water.
.2 Have a line / hook / knife / lifebuoy ready.
.3 Do not take off your shirts / long trousers / head covering whatever the weather.
.4 Pump out the water / free the lifeboat / liferaft from water.
.5 Who needs medical first aid?
.6 Everybody will get the same ration of provisions and water.
.7 Warning! Do not drink sea water whatever the situation.
.8 We will send a MAYDAY.
.9 We will fire rockets / use smoke buoys / ..... to attract attention.
.10 We will join the other lifeboats / liferafts.

B4/3 Attending to Passengers in an Emergency
B4/3.1 Informing on present situation
.1 The vessel was abandoned in position .... due to
fire / grounding / collision / flooding / heavy list / serious damage / ... .
.2 Keep calm. There is no reason to panic.
The officers / lifeboatmen know exactly what to do.
.3 There are enough life-saving appliances for everyone on board.
.4 The Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre/vessels in the vicinity have already been
informed of our situation.
.5 Vessels / helicopters / airplanes are coming to our rescue.
.6 Vessels / helicopters / airplanes will reach us within ...... hours.
.7 We have radio contact with rescue craft.
.8 There are enough provisions and drinking water for 48 hours.
.9 You obtain medicine for seasickness from the lifeboatman.

B4/3.2 Escorting helpless passengers
.1 ...... persons are missing.
.2 Search all cabins / WC /s howers for missing persons.
.3 Assist those who need help.
.4 Help children, elderly, disabled, injured or sick persons with lifejackets.
.5 Give assistance when entering lifeboats / liferafts.
.6 We require warm clothing and blankets
for the children / elderly / disabled / injured / sick.
.7 We require a stretcher for the disabled / injured / sick.
.8 All persons, please move closer.
.8.1 The elderly / disabled / injured / sick need room to lie down.
.9 Everyone, please, be quiet. The children / the sick need rest.

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